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Health & Fitness

Coping with Mental Illness

By Shanel Khaliq, 17 May, 2015 12:31 PM
  • Coping with Mental Illness
Mental health is one of the most important factors that contribute to our well-being. It encompasses our psychological, emotional and social happiness, and affects the decisions and choices we make in life. 
However, it also is the most understated and neglected aspect. For many years, mental illness has been stigmatized socially and there is a lack of awareness on it throughout the world. 
Mental illness is like any other physical illness – it does not hamper intelligence, but can cause harm to our health and well-being. Therefore, this health issue should be taken as seriously as other major illnesses like cancer, and more awareness is needed on its causes and cure.
Research suggests that mental illness is the combined result of genetic, environmental, biological and personality-related factors. Though there are many causes that can affect a person’s mental health, substance abuse is one of the main causes of mental illness. A study conducted by psychologists at the Simon Fraser University, released earlier this year, also suggests a link between foster care and substance abuse later in life. 
The most common mental illnesses are schizophrenia, clinical depression and bipolar disorder. According to Statistics Canada, around 10.1 per cent of Canadians, aged 15 or more, reported symptoms of mental disorder in 2012. The same year, 12% of this population felt that they needed mental health care, but did not have access to it. 
We do experience loneliness, depression, emotional distress and hopelessness at some point in our life. However, these emotions are temporary. But for people who suffer from a mental health disorder, these feelings can be recurrent, and can affect the way they think, act and behave on a regular basis. 
The symptoms and causes of mental illnesses, namely depression and anxiety, can be different for males and females. Depression particularly can manifest itself in irritable behaviour, workaholism and excessive consumption of alcohol in men. Social expectations and constructs surrounding masculinity, such as not expressing emotions and distress, also affect men’s mental health.  
Women are considered to be at a greater risk with regards to emotional distress. Social inequality, limited decision-making powers and sexual abuse are some of the major causes of mental health issues in women. Alarmingly enough, almost 20 per cent of children and youth in Canada suffer from a type of mental illness. There are far more chances of this illness being carried on into their adult lives as well. 
However, the issue of mental illness is now  getting importance, and research is suggesting that a cure is more plausible now than ever before. There is a growing interest in the subject, and collaborations between business and science are helping with funds to carry out more research into the area and help find better cures.
The first step towards the treatment of mental illness is recognizing that there is a problem. For most people, treatment is delayed due to the inability and unwillingness of recognizing the existence of the illness. This further aggravates the issue, and the treatment process is delayed.
Family, friends and the community too plays an important role in dealing with the issue of mental illness. Darrell Burnham, chief executive officer at Coast Mental Health, suggests that contacting the general physician in the area would be the first step after recognizing the problem – who could then refer the problem ahead, depending on the gravity. 
He feels that one of the major challenges in recognizing a mental health problem is that it could just be for a short period of time. However, for some people it can become a chronic disability. In this scenario, it is very important for the people around them to understand what exactly is happening. “It can be a very difficult challenge to find the right medication, follow a particular lifestyle – for instance, more exercise, and also access a treatment that manages a chronic medical condition,” says Burnham. 
He emphasizes that mental illness is not as alien as most people perceive it to be. It is like any other physical illness, and so the same steps of care need to be followed. “It’s like dealing with diabetes, take care of yourself, take your medicines and watch your blood sugar – the same with mental health, you need to do mental health exercises.” 
Cognitive behavioural therapy is one such mental exercise that can be very helpful.  It works to solve current problems and change unhelpful thinking and behaviour. The idea is to understand the negative aspects surrounding your life, but to try to enforce positivity. “You almost talk your brain into thinking positively, but a lot of it is just self-talk that you train yourself to do,” explains Burnham.  
Counseling has, over the years, been considered as a more effective tool in dealing with mental health issues as opposed to medication. Although, the significance of the latter cannot be denied.

In the recent years, technology has also started playing a major role in creating awareness on mental illnesses, and in suggesting coping methods. There are now phone applications that provide counseling on mental health. The Vancouver Island Health Authority launched a mobile app called “BoosterBuddy” last year, particularly targeting youth with mental health concerns. It guides you through a series of daily quests designed to establish and sustain positive habits.

Almost two years ago, in September 2013, Mayor Gregor Robertson declared a mental health crisis in Vancouver. Following this, the Mayor’s Task Force on Mental Health and Addictions was set up to bring together different actors to increase awareness and programs to cope up with the crisis. This was keeping in view the alarming statistics surrounding mental health in the area and its connection with unaffordable housing problems. In 2011, 60 per cent of homeless individuals in metro Vancouver were at risk of suicide. Statistics also suggest that the city of Vancouver spends an estimated $30 million per year on addictions and mental health problems. 
The alarming nature of the problem has forced authorities to take charge of the situation; however it continues to be one of the glaring challenges in the arena of health globally. 

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