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Health & Fitness

Darpan Fitness – Winter is Around the Corner

Paul Gill, 14 Feb, 2014 03:05 AM
  • Darpan Fitness – Winter is Around the Corner
Don’t let the cold weather deter you from exercising or eating healthy
Winter is around the corner and with a change of weather comes a change in mindset. For many the warm time of year means outdoor activities such as swimming, bike riding and running, while for others the winter season means exercise is put on hold due to the cold weather. Winter months is also a time when more time is spent indoors, which means the only forms of entertainment are TV and food, a combination that can lead to disastrous weight gain.
If cold weather is a deterrent for outdoor exercise, then it’s time to bring it indoors. Any major gym will have numerous pieces of exercise equipment for indoors, such as elliptical trainers, treadmills and exercise bikes. For example, if you’re a fan of riding bikes then -20 degrees Celsius in the middle of December may not be the best time to pursue that activity. 
In the winter months it’s time to bring that activity indoors and keep training. Riding on a stationary bike is by no means identical to riding outdoors, but it is the best and safest alternative for the time being. 
The same goes for running or sprinting outdoors. During warm weather these activities are easily performed outside, but the risk of injury is too high during the winter months. Protect yourself as well as your knees and perform your runs on indoor tracks and treadmills. Don’t use cold weather as an excuse to throw in the towel to your exercise routine.
While cardiovascular training comes indoors this should not affect your weight training regimen, which should be indoors year round. When the winter months come, this is the time to really focus on weight training even more so than cardiovascular training. 
Winter is the time you go to the gym and put in the extra time since it’s too cold to be engaged in the typical distractions such as shopping, walking downtown or washing the car. For most of you, winter is the easiest time of the year to get in to the gym and this is great news since the end of the year is full of parties, time off from work and being busy with vacations.
Always remember winter is the time to get focused on exercise and to begin to build your health for the warm weather that is about to come. It takes months to build a strong solid physique and beginning in winter means you’ll be ready to show off your hard work when summer comes.
When winter arrives it impacts your exercise schedule as well as your nutrition. Often individuals get used to eating a certain amount and then continue to do so during the winter months even though their physical output is significantly less. If your exercise level drops off keep in mind your caloric intake should also decrease. If you continue to eat the same amount, then your weight will increase which is counterproductive to what most desire.
In the winter months, focus on portion control and eating non-synthesized food. What are synthesized foods you ask? Synthesized foods are fake foods such as cakes, crackers and potato chips. They resemble real food but don’t quite make the cut since they have been invented in a lab. 
If healthy eating is important to you, then stick with the basics and you can’t go wrong. Make sure your portions are correct and you’ll be hard pressed to gain any weight during the winter months regardless of whether you exercise a lot or a little.The following table outlines my recommendations and remember to never deep fry, add salt or sugar to anything. Here is a solid list of foods that will ensure your nutrition has a good solid foundation to build upon.
Healthy Protein - Chicken, egg whites, salmon, shrimp, tuna, turkey
Starchy carbohydrates - Black beans, whole wheat bread, kidney beans, lentils, oatmeal, brown rice
Fibrous carbohydrates - Asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, spinach.
Healthy Fats - Almonds, cashews, olive oil, peanuts, sunflower oil, sunflower seeds
If 90 per cent of your meals contain the foods items listed above, you will be well on your way to having good nutrition in the winter months.
The best strategy to improving your health over the winter is by preparing for it in advance. Have a game plan for winter before it even shows up. Ensure your gym membership is up-to-date and that you still remember where the locker rooms are. As for eating, stay away from the fast food restaurants and remember to stick with healthy, all-natural foods that are eaten the way nature intended them to.
By Paul Gill

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