Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Health & Fitness

Easy Moves To Get A Tight Tummy

Darpan News Desk IANS, 30 Jan, 2015 02:36 PM
  • Easy Moves To Get A Tight Tummy
In search of a foolproof method to tighten your abs? Learn the right moves.
Celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson has shared details of moves that can help one in getting a tight tummy, reports eonline.com:
* Lower ab leg tuck and split: Lie on your back with hands behind your head for support. Lift the shoulders up off the floor and curve the upper back into a crunch. Remember to engage your abs and keep your stomach flat. Extend your legs straight out on the floor with feet together.
Lift the right leg up by bending at the knee and tucking it into your chest then extend it out at 45-degree angle from the hips, keeping it about six inches above the floor.
Repeat from the start by pulling knee in parallel to chest then out, do this 30 times with the right leg then switch and do all repetitions on the left. 
* Knee tuck number four: Lie on your back with hands behind your head for support, keeping your neck relaxed as shoulders are held off the floor in a crunch. 
Pull with your lower abs to tuck both knees into your chest, remembering to initiate from the lower abs and pulling the belly button down. 
Then as you extend both legs, the right one will bend at the knee, with the foot coming into the body with toes in line with the left knee, making the shape of a number four. 
Lay the outer thigh on the ground as the left leg extends straight out with your heel resting on the floor. Initiate by pulling the abs in and tucking knees into your chest, then repeat the sequence. 
Do all repetitions with the right leg then repeat on the left side, 30 on both legs.
* Half and full butterfly: Lie on your back with both legs bent and toes together with heels held off the floor, in a frog or butterfly position. 
With your hands behind your head, support your rested neck and hold about 45 degrees off the floor in a small crunch. 
Engage the abs and crunch up, lifting your shoulders a little further up, then return to your starting half crunch position and repeat with a fuller large crunch (extending your arms straight reaching toward your feet). 
Repeat from the start, alternating with 30 sets of the exercise. 

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