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Health & Fitness

Natural Choices to Combat Ageing

Darpan News Desk Darpan, 16 May, 2014 01:25 PM
  • Natural Choices to Combat Ageing
Ageing begins from when a child is born. However, there are other factors that can lead to premature ageing, including the usage of incorrect skincare products and gorging on unhealthy foods. One can achieve a perfect skin by including turmeric, ginger and green leafy vegetables in the food intake, says an expert.
Speaking at the Anti-Ageing Health and Beauty show, held at the London Olympia this past weekend, Geraldine McCulgan of the College of Naturopathic Medicine said: “What you eat today... you wear tomorrow.”
The beauty therapist shared some helpful tips on natural choices for anti-ageing and the small changes that one can effect in one's lifestyle to help slow down ageing.
Accelerating ageing is affected by the following:
* Glycation - the process of sugar and it affects joints
* Inflammation
* Lack of nutrients
* Overload of toxins
* Free radical damages
* Stress
* Loss of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) which regulates cellular energy
* Lack of oil and water
So if you want to slow down ageing, McCulgan recommends following a diet made up of whole grains, vegetables, legumes, mild-sweet and non-sweet fruits. One can also try the following things:
* Avoid refined sugar
* Eat protein with every meal
* Swap refined sugar products with wholegrain alternatives
* Eat plenty of fibre rich vegetables
* Include cinnamon - lowers blood sugar levels
* Consult the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale - which identifies the anti-oxidants in foods
Inflammation is behind many degenerative diseases, so here we have some advice from Geraldine on how to reduce it:
* Eat organic
* Turmeric
* Ginger
* Green leafy vegetables
* Fermented foods
* Acid/Alkaline balancing
* Omega 3 fatty acids

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