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Health & Fitness

Simple & Effective Tips For Healthy, Happy Ageing

Shweta Kulkarni Darpan, 02 Oct, 2023 11:05 AM
  • Simple & Effective Tips For Healthy, Happy Ageing

Much like a well-aged wine, we too, can get better with age. Read on to know more…

Nah, you can’t avoid getting older, but hang on a second, you certainly can make some smart choices and age gracefully instead. And mind you, ageing gracefully isn't a code for trying to look like you are eternally in your 20s. Nope, it is all about living your absolute best life while staying fit as a fiddle, both physically and mentally, and embracing every wrinkle, every bit of wisdom and the 'oops,' moments that come our way.  

Age, truly, is just a number. Whether you are riding the 20s wave, strutting in your 30s, enjoying your fabulous 40s or rocking the 50s — the real secret to healthy and happy living is not the age, but the attitude, habits, and lifestyle choices we make. Right from the foods we consume and how we exercise to the way we nurture our relationships and set financial goals — all this influences how fast or slow our body ages.

Here are a few tips for healthy, happy ageing…

Watch What You Consume

It is an obvious one, but really what we eat, and drink defines our health. A well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet plays an important role in ageing gracefully. Make certain to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats regularly to get all the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Hydration is also crucial to stay healthy, so drink plenty of water throughout the day. Limit consumption of alcohol and simply stay away from sugary fizzy drinks if you want to stay healthy as you age.  

Stay Physically Active

An active lifestyle is key to healthy ageing. Sweating it out not only keeps the muscles healthy, but is also good for bone density, and overall mobility. Exercising also reduces the risk of chronic conditions such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Whether it is brisk walking, yoga, swimming, cycling, workouts in the gym or dancing, find activities you enjoy to keep your body moving and energy levels high. PS: Exercising not only helps to keep you healthy, but studies have shown that it also slows and even reverses the effects of ageing on the skin. So don’t be a couch potato, and get that body moving whenever possible.

Nourish Your Mental Health

Healthy ageing is not only about ensuring physical health. Taking care of your mental health is equally important. Practice yoga and relaxation techniques like meditation, mindfulness and breathing techniques to keep a check on your stress levels and enhance mental clarity. Further indulging in activities that stimulate the mind, such as reading, puzzles, or learning new skills also keeps the mind healthy. Ensure to get good quality sleep and, of course, don’t ever shy away from therapy and counselling if needed. 

Nurture Your Bonds

Another secret to positive ageing is nurturing your relationship and actively getting involved with your social environment. Engage with friends, family, and community members to maintain a sense of belonging and combat feelings of loneliness. Nurturing our bonds can provide emotional support, reduce stress, and contribute to a more fulfilling life.

Love Thy Skin & Body

A visible change in the skin and body is a part of ageing. And for our sanity, it is important to love every aspect of this process. Embrace this change and show the skin some TLC. Wear sunscreen and protective clothing when outside and stick to gentle products in your skincare routine.

Gain Financial Stability 

Studies have proven that individuals who have sorted their finances lead a healthy and stress-free life. Gaining financial stability is another secret to ageing gracefully. Maintaining financial stability provides a safety net for unexpected challenges and freedom to pursue your dreams and hobbies.  

Schedule Routine Checkups 

Regular health checkups and screenings are essential to catch and address potential health risks early. Discuss preventive measures with your doctors, such as vaccinations, screenings for common age-related conditions, and appropriate medications. Maintaining a proactive approach can contribute significantly to your well-being as you age.

So, embrace these tips, and remember that with the right choices, every day is an opportunity to age gracefully.

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