Saturday, June 1, 2024
Health & Fitness

Sirf Dus

Darpan News Desk Darpan, 13 Feb, 2014 03:07 AM
  • Sirf Dus
South Asian Volunteer Committee at the Canadian Cancer Society reaches out about Breast Cancer Awareness
Did you know that an estimated 1 in 9 Canadian women will develop breast cancer? Did you also know that South Asian women are less likely to participate in important early detection mammography screening programs? The Canadian Cancer Society has been working with the South Asian community over the last few years to increase awareness about cancer prevention. 
Using a community-based approach, the Canadian Cancer Society has reached thousands of participants. This year, they will continue their work in the community through the Sirf Dus committee, comprised of local volunteers interested in making a difference.
Sirf Dus, meaning “just ten” or “just tell”, is focused on providing the community with information about breast cancer screening and prevention. They use culturally specific messaging to inspire reluctant women to take their health into their own hands by getting screened for breast cancer regularly and by spreading this knowledge to their peers. Previous outreach projects have shown that one of the greatest barriers for breast cancer screening among South Asian women is the negative stigma attached to the word cancer. 
The Sirf Dus committee hopes to connect with the community directly at community events in order to create an open dialogue about early detection and prevention of breast cancer. In turn, the hope is that more women will make appointments for breast cancer screening which will ultimately decrease breast cancer rates within our community.
Sirf Dus is unique in that they use a grassroots method to reach South Asian women aged 50-69. They ask each person to tell ten others, “Sirf Dus”, about breast cancer prevention and these ten will, in turn, inform ten others to spread this important message. Key cancer prevention messages that you can pass on to ten other females in your life include:
It is important for women between the ages of 50-69 to get a mammogram every 2 years. You may believe that God will take care of your health, but you must still look both ways before crossing the street. Take control of your health by scheduling a mammogram. If you are 40-49 or 70+ years old, talk to your doctor about your risk of breast cancer and the benefits and risks of mammography 
Mammograms can detect lumps that are smaller than the dana in your daal. This is why self or clinical breast examinations are not recommended. 
Treatment is very advanced in Canada, especially in BC where we have a survival rate of 88% because of our excellent prevention initiatives and cancer care. Breast cancer is not a death sentence, especially if you catch it early with a regular mammogram. 
The best part about a mammogram is that it’s FREE and easy to book. Just call: 
• Lower Mainland: 604-877-6187
• Punjabi Line: 604- 877-6163
• Rest of BC: 1-800-663-9203 (toll-free)
Why wait?  There is no need to fear a simple 10-15 minute mammogram.  Early detection is the key.  If you want to live a long and healthy life and watch your family grow, you must take an active role in your life and health. 
Prevention is better than treatment; early treatment is better than late treatment; treatment is better than no treatment. 
Sirf Dus! Spread the word! Just tell 10 women you care about! 
You can also make a difference by volunteering with the Sirf Dus committee. In particular, there is a need for Punjabi speaking individuals interested in marketing and communications. For more information about volunteering or the Sirf Dus committee, please contact the Canadian Cancer Society at 604.313.1059.

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