Sunday, June 2, 2024

Colour Me Beautiful

Vanita de Buzzaccarini Darpan, 08 Feb, 2014 04:57 AM
  • Colour Me Beautiful
Many women or men make the common mistake of wearing the wrong colours, which can work against your complexion and overall look. Spice up your wardrobe with the right tones and shades
Do you think you can wear any colour, simply because you like it?
Think again!
Many people, especially women make the common mistake of wearing the wrong colours, just because it’s in fashion. If greys, greens and purples are the new “it” colours of the season, this does not mean that they will look good on you. Believe it or not but by wearing the wrong colours it can bring out redness, yellowness and even make your complexion look uneven. Fact is wearing the wrong hues, can actually make you look older, tired and even unprofessional. That is not the first impression you want to make.
Colour analysis, also known as skin tone matching has been around for many years. It became popular in the 1980’s when the book ‘Color Me Beautiful,’ written by Carole Jackson, was published. She states that an individual fits into one of four seasonal categories: winter, summer, spring or autumn. However, in more recent years, a different colour theory has surfaced revealing that an individual can actually be in-between these seasons called “flows.” In the end, the ‘4 Season Color Theory’ was refined to a more specific and accurate ‘12 Season Theory.’
Since we are all individuals, we each have unique features. The colour theory is based on the combination of your skin tone, hair colour and eye colour. In addition, everyone has a blue or yellow undertone and therefore certain colour groupings will look better on you than others. If you have a blue undertone than cooler colours will generally look good on you, whereas if you have a yellow undertone, warmer tones will look better on you. Some people can be a bit of both and this is wear the “flows” come into play.
By taking this all into account, a Colour Professional also known as an Image Consultant puts this theory into practice through a colour draping process. They place a series of drapes against you to determine your seasonal palette and once your palette is determined, you will then discover your “wow” colours. These are your best colours within your palette, and the “wow” colours will make you stand out and radiate your natural beauty. The “wow” colours come in handy when you really want to make a great impression!
Have you ever felt drawn to someone or found them very attractive but weren’t sure why? It’s most likely that they’re wearing their right colours creating a harmonious vibe and positive energy.
Wearing the right colours will make you look younger, vibrant, healthier and polished, enhancing your best features and giving you that natural glow which most women strive for. The end results are amazing and the best part is that you will notice it instantly.
A few advantages of knowing what your personal colour season is saving time and money shopping; creating a new wardrobe that will complement you; knowing what makeup, hair colour, glasses, jewelry and accessories to choose; and best of all, a confidence boost.
Everyone can benefit from getting their colours evaluated by an Image Consultant, whether you are a man or woman, student or professional, bride or guest and so forth.
Remember colour does matter. Look amazing, feel amazing – it’s inevitable! 
By Vanita de Buzzaccarini
Vanita de Buzzaccarini is an image consultant and a fashion designer. For more information, visit


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