Monday, May 20, 2024
Real Estate

Facebook launches user-friendly privacy policy

Facebook launches user-friendly privacy policy
The social networking site has rolled out a clearer, user-friendly privacy policy - down to 2,700 words from more than 9,000 earlier....

Facebook launches user-friendly privacy policy

Cameras that sync with one another to track suspects

Cameras that sync with one another to track suspects
Electrical engineers from the University of Washington in the Us have developed a way to automatically track people across moving and still cameras by using...

Cameras that sync with one another to track suspects

WhatsApp ups divorce rates in Italy

WhatsApp ups divorce rates in Italy
Intimate messaging with strangers on WhatsApp has led to an increase in divorce rates in Italy, according to a leading Italian lawyer....

WhatsApp ups divorce rates in Italy

Over 500 million people on Facebook Messenger now

Over 500 million people on Facebook Messenger now
The new messaging service from Facebook has crossed 500 million users worldwide - a figure that has more than doubled from 200 million in April this year...

Over 500 million people on Facebook Messenger now

Social media triggering low self-esteem among teenage girls

Social media triggering low self-esteem among teenage girls
The surge in online communication and social media coupled with economic downturn seven years ago have left many teenage girls with low self-esteem, reveals a British survey....

Social media triggering low self-esteem among teenage girls

Is It Safe To Keep Your Smartphone Unlocked

Is It Safe To Keep Your Smartphone Unlocked
Almost 30 percent of smartphone users leave their device unlocked as they do not believe they have any data worth protecting, a survey conducted...

Is It Safe To Keep Your Smartphone Unlocked