Tuesday, June 11, 2024

An App Which Can Help You Land An Airplane

IANS, 22 Dec, 2014 01:23 PM
  • An App Which Can Help You Land An Airplane
Here comes an app that would help you land your plane in case the aircraft engine fails.
The new iPad app Xavion connects with a small plane's autopilot via wi-fi that would guide you to the nearest airport or safe landing area.
The Xavion App extracts data from the autopilot to provide additional aid to the pilot.
The pilot can then make an informed decision and land the plane safely.
"Our tests took us practically all the way down to touchdown. If the pilot didn't take over, he would have just had a hard landing, broken the landing gear, and everyone would have walked away," Austin Meyer, who has developed the app, was quoted as saying in online portal Popular Science.
The app can help the pilots navigate their way to a safe landing spot, be it at an airport or a vacant field.
It can provide weight and balance checks, and also estimate fuel burn and time to your destination at various altitudes.
A new update will let App take control of the autopilot making any human intervention unnecessary.
Priced at $199, the app is available now on the Apple App store.


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