Saturday, June 1, 2024

Diwali Tech Gifting

By Shweta Kulkarni, 17 Oct, 2019 10:26 PM

    Seven Cool Gadgets To give Your Loved Ones This festive season


    The most-awaited festival of the year – Diwali is upon us. While the festival of light marks the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness, Diwali is also a festival to celebrate togetherness, affection, love and appreciate the presence of our dear and near ones in our lives. Hence gifting is a significant custom of Diwali, it is a way of showing your loved ones that you care and how much they mean to you.

    While sweet boxes, dry fruits, jewellery are usually the common gifting options, how about pampering your loved ones this Diwali with some unique cutting-edge gadgets? Here are seven exciting gadgets that not only make for the perfect gifting option this festive season but are sure to bring a smile on your dear one’s face.



    No matter the age or gender of your loved one, a smartwatch can be a great gifting choice. From tracking fitness to checking email and responding to calls, the smartwatch is an ideal gift to get for your dear ones. Available in a diverse range, from futuristic and stylish looking timepieces to unique smartwatches designed especially for children, there are plenty of options to choose from. So, go ahead pick one now and make your loved one’s Diwali spectacular.   photo: Apple inc

    Polaroid Camera

    With instant photography swinging back into fashion, a polaroid camera makes for a great gifting option, especially if your dear one loves clicking pictures. This fun little retro gadget, which prints pictures instantly, will definitely appeal to people of all ages. photo: Instax mini 9


    Smart Sunglasses

    Presenting your family or friend a cool pair of shades is always a good idea, but what’s better is getting them a pair of sunnies that not only help them make a statement but are also packed with smart features that enables them to listen to music and attend phone calls. Smart sunglasses are the in-thing today and definitely make a cool Diwali gift. There are plenty of brands and styles available in the market.

    Handheld Gaming Console

    If you looking for an ideal present for the video gamer in your life, trust us, nothing would be better than a good handheld gaming console. The market is flooded with various handheld devices that are not only lightweight but also offer full home console experience. 

     Smart Alarm Clock

    Alarm clocks have been our faithful companions for the longest time and now they have got smarter and better, which makes them a perfect choice as a Diwali gift for your loved ones. So, what’s so special about these upgraded smart alarm clocks? Well, apart from telling time and waking us up, these devices have either Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant built-in, and can not only be customized with voices but the alarm clock can also control smart home devices, call an Uber, read the morning news and help with daily tasks. Sounds like an ideal gift already, doesn’t it? photo: Lenovo

    Temperature Control Mug

    You may have gifted your loved ones a coffee mug before but nothing can beat a temperature control mug. This smart mug, which can control and regulate the temperature of the coffee to one’s liking throughout the day, is definitely a great Diwali gift for all the coffee lovers in your life.

    photo: Cauldryn Battery Heated Mug

    Smart Wallet

    Move away from the traditional leather wallet and this Diwali gift your loved ones a smart wallet. A smart wallet is not just a wallet but much more. Loaded with several features like Global GPS system that secures your wallet from robbery, Bluetooth alarm system that notifies every time one forgets the wallet, power bank to charge the phone, a smart wallet is an exciting and unique gift, which is sure to make your dear ones happy.

    photo: Ekster 3.0 Smart Wallet


    Images for representational purposes only.


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