Saturday, June 1, 2024

Face Cleaning Mistakes That 'Bride-To-Be' Must Not Make

Darpan News Desk IANS, 11 Aug, 2017 01:37 PM
    As the wedding season kicks in, healthy and glowing skin is quintessential to put the best look forward and have those flawless looking pictures in the photo album.
    To mark the celebration of upcoming bridal season, VLCC brings to you some hidden facts about the skin and beauty regime.
    Washing face is the easiest task on hand that one can think in any beauty regime. Wet, lather, rinse-and done! Have you ever given a thought; we can possibly be wrong even in this simplest task?
    As simple as it may seem, if you're making any of these 10 mistakes, there's a chance that you could be doing more harm than good to your skin: breakouts, irritation, dryness, and excess oil included.
    Fear not! VLCC brings to you few simple tweaks to your skin cleansing routine which might open all the locks for the answer you've been looking for when it comes to your skincare woes.
    #Mistake1: Not washing hands first
    Hands are the most exposed and dirty part of our body. Touching your face with those germ-infested hands will even aggravate the bacterial composition on the face. To avoid skin problems one should always start by washing hands first and then face.
    #Mistake 2: Not Removing Makeup Before you cleanse your face
    This is one blunder we are all guilty of. Not removing make-up before washing the face, especially the eye area will end up creating those panda eyes. Investing in a good make-up remover can save you from the nightmarish face.
    It is always advisable to use an oil-based formula or a watery micellar solution, whatever best suits the skin for a makeup remover.
    #Mistake 3: Using the wrong cleanser
    With endless options and ingredients in cleansers available in market, one is always indecisive to choose the best suitable match to their skin.
    Before going for Cleanser shopping, it is always recommended to analyze your skin type. Just in case you still don't know, the safest bet is to pick a gentle cleanser that agrees with "any skin type". Go for one without sulfates (which are the agents that make a cleanser lather well) because they irritate the skin and the ones that contain botanical extracts as they help maintain skins natural moisture barrier, while efficiently removing dirt and pore-clogging oil.
    #Mistake 4: The water that is too hot or too cold
    Lukewarm or "tepid" water is the best temperature for sensitive skin type. Too hot water will dilate your capillaries, while too cold water will constrict them. To prevent broken capillaries, redness and spider veins, make sure the temperature is just right.
    Also, remember to rinse off the product from the face completely otherwise the residue can clog the pores and make the skin dry.
    #Mistake 5: Over Exfoliating and that too aggressively
    An exfoliator helps to scrub off the dead and dry layer of the skin while bringing the fresh smooth surface to the top. This helps in better absorption of the rest of the products on the skin and ensures even application of products.VLCC recommends to ditch the hard-grainy scrubs and opt for gentle exfoliation just once or twice a week.
    Gentle circular motions, using the finger pads is the way to go. This is the safest way to get glowing skin and boost blood circulation.
    #Mistake 6: Rubbing with a towel to dry
    The mantra is to pat, and not rub!
    Rubbing can cause irritation, redness, and even worse-wrinkles and inflammatory. Our skin is delicate, so always pat it dry, and make sure to use a clean towel (every time!) to avoid pressing bacteria into the skin.
    #Mistake 7: Using Dirty Clothes or Sponges
    "Hygiene" is the key word!!
    Avoid using wet and dirty clothes or sponges to clean your face, especially if you have open cuts or sores. Microbes can easily cultivate on wet sponges and cleaning clothes thus leading to irritation and breakouts on the skin.
    Mistake #8: Not locking in the moisture
    Seal in any dampness left in the skin by applying moisturizer or any special treatment products, immediately. Don't wait to give the skin a chance to dry out completely. By applying these products when the skin is still moist, it allows for extra absorption, maximizing the effects of the active ingredients.
    #Mistake 9: Not following a proper CTM routine
    Depending on the skin type, everyone should follow a proper Cleansing,Toning and Moisturizing routine, at least twice a day, preferably morning and at night, to flaunt that flawless and radiant skin that is desired by all. Also, always remember to use a Sunscreen in the morning.
    #Mistake 10: Not properly building up on your products
    Every product that is being used has specific concern that it addresses to and if we want them to work wonders on the skin then one must give them time to build up on the skin. Take minimum 60 seconds after every application to let the products get absorbed in the skin before layering it with the next step.


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