Saturday, June 1, 2024

Kasundhi Shrimp

By Chef Gaurav Anand, 21 Nov, 2019 12:03 AM

    Chef Gaurav Anand has been praised by numerous media outlets for the authenticity and innovation he brings to Indian cuisine.


    1/4 cup Greek yogurt 
    1 tsp ginger-garlic paste
    1 tsp red chilli powder
    1/4 tsp ground turmeric
    1/2 tsp garam masala
    Juice of 1 lemon
    Salt to taste
    12 medium shrimp, cleaned
    2 tbsps butter (melted)
    1 tsp mustard oil
    1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
    Chaat masala spice mix
    2 tsps chopped cilantro leaves (for garnish)


    In a large bowl, combine the first six ingredients, add salt to taste. Add shrimp, toss to coat. Refrigerate for about three hours.

    Preheat oven to 350 C on a baking sheet, toss the marinated shrimp with the melted butter, mustard oil, red pepper flakes, and a generous pinch of chaat masala.

    Bake until cooked, for five minutes or so. If you prefer not to use the oven, you can sear the shrimp on a hot pan.

    Garnish with cilantro and freshly squeezed lime, serve hot. 


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