Sunday, June 2, 2024
Health & Fitness

Guide To Winter Skincare

Darpan News Desk Darpan, 20 Nov, 2014 01:21 PM
  • Guide To Winter Skincare
Fight winter woes by using beauty oil, cream cleanser and not relying on toner when the temperature drops.
Celebrity dermatologist Kiran Lohia shares a few tips:
* Know the number of times to wash face: Don’t wash your face more than twice a day. Using a face wash frequently will steal all your skin’s hydration and nutrition. If you are feeling dirty or just got back from the gym, just splash some water on your face. 
*Choose the right face wash: Stay away from foaming face wash and use a cream or oil cleanser instead. These will gently get rid of oil while also providing nutrition and moisture to your skin.
* Say no to toner: Toners are a big cause of skin drying up. In fact, they usually contain alcohol, which leads to dryness. 
* Use a beauty oil: Instead of using a basic cream or lotion, which only have 15 to 20 percent oil-based components, a pure beauty oil will deliver 100 percent hydration benefits. Look for grapeseed or pumpkin seed oil, which will moisturise while also giving important nutrients like vitamin E and Omega 3 Fatty Acids. 

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