Sunday, June 2, 2024

Pucker Up: The road to well-conditioned and attractive lips

Darpan News Desk Darpan, 08 Feb, 2014 05:26 AM
  • Pucker Up: The road to well-conditioned and attractive lips
A major contributing factor to a beautiful smile is beautiful lips! Lip care is often neglected and it shouldn’t be. Everyday our mouth is the centre of attention as we talk, eat, smile and kiss. A well conditioned lip is an attractive lip!
A key to keeping your lips healthy and smooth is moisturizing them. Licking them is not an option as saliva actually has an enzyme that irritates the lip. Always keep a lip balm handy and one with a SPF is even better but be careful of the products out in the market.
Make sure to read the ingredients; silicone and salicylic acid based lip balms can dry out your lips and don’t be fooled by the soothing effect of menthol and camphor, as they can lead to similar issues. I personally find that lip balms with shimmer and fragrances irritate the lip as well, creating drying and flaking.
The purpose to condition is to lock in the moisture, so products that have a base of beeswax, petroleum jelly or paraffin are good choices. Aloe vera is another great ingredient and helps heal a severely chapped lip. Many people don’t like the jelly texture and it can tend to be too much for the day time, so it would be best to wear during bed time.
I always mention to my clients and have written about this numerous times, a good diet is a huge part of our health including our lips. Just like our bodies, we rely on the intake of vitamins and minerals and eating fresh fruits and vegetables will provide that for your lips as well.
You should also exfoliate your lips once a week in order to remove any blockage, so your balm can be effective and sink in.
When applying lipstick, note the condition of your lips. If they’re already feeling tight and dry, avoid matte lipsticks as it will only increase the dryness. A glossier finish or a crème finish would be more suitable. Same rule applies when choosing a lip liner. A trick to longer lasting lipstick is to fill in your whole lip with the liner but this also causes the lips to dry out. There are many lip liners out there with different finishes, choose accordingly.
In an emergency outing, in which you have no time to repair your flaky lips, always choose a flattering colour that complements your skin tone and lip shape. If you’re a warmer tone, then stick with earthy tones or tones with oranges and corals. If you’re more cooler, stick with bold, bright colours. You may think,“Why do I want my lips to stand out?” But if you’re wearing your right colours, then no one will notice your dry lips because it will flow with your overall image.
Our lips are always in the spotlight and taking good care of them helps our overall appearance. Knowing what works for you and what to look for in a product keeps you ahead of the game. Don’t rule out the cheap lip balm or go for the real expensive ones. You can find a lot of great products in a range of prices.
A few of my favourites throughout the years are Rodial Glam Blam, Vaseline, Sugar Lip Treatment SPF 15 and Like Buttah by The Body Shop.
Achieve a Sexy Pout
There is nothing more irresistible than a sexy pout and it wears perfectly for the cooler, more sultry months. So how do you get one? Simple! I’ve listed easy-to-follow techniques that will get you the sexy pout you desire.
• Start with a lip conditioner or lip balm when beginning your makeup routine, most of us finish with our lips. That way, by the time you get to your lips they will be moisturized.
• Wipe off the excess balm and apply a lip primer. You can use foundation or an actual lip primer, Urban Decay and Mac have some great ones. The point of this step is to even out your lip colour, like a blank canvas.
• Next comes the lining of the lips. This step is the most important part as it will define your whole pout. Depending on the look you’re going for, choose your colour accordingly. When lining the top lip, use the feathering technique (light small strokes). Don’t go outside your natural line. Next line the bottom, here you can be a little bit bold! You can go outside of your natural lip line (tastefully) more so in the middle and remember to line the entire lip all the way to the corners.
• A nude or neutral lip colour is always the best when aiming for a pout because it highlights the lips. Use a lip brush as it will allow for a perfect application, getting into the corners and it’s easier to manipulate the lip line.
• Finish with a gloss, it can have a little colour or tint or you can go for a classic clear. Put a little extra in the centre bottom for an added effect.
Image Courtesy:   Vogue Magazine,  Tom Ford  Beauty