Saturday, April 20, 2024
Award Winners
Award Events

Community Crusader

Guru Nanak’s Kitchen

Name: Guru Nanak’s Kitchen

Year: 2018
Presented By: Manjit Lit, LITCO

Guru Nanak’s Kitchen is a Sikh-faith led volunteer organization working for the benefit of all communities. The organization’s objective is to enrich people’s life through the principles of Guru Nanak Dev Ji by earning an honest living (kirat), sharing (vand shakna), and selfless service (seva), all of which are embedded in the Sikk religion’s spiritual heritage.

The Guru Nanak’s Free Kitchen, concept was developed in the summer of 2007 when a group of like-minded individuals got together and wanted to help with feeding those in need in Vancouver and by doing so encourage Sikh youth and organizations to volunteer their time and services.

For the Sikh community, this project is not missionary in nature, instead it is an opportunity for them to extend this true Sikh spirit of helping those in need regardless of caste, colour, creed and economic status.