Friday, April 19, 2024
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Women above 30 must consider these health tests

Women above 30 must consider these health tests
As women move to their 30's, the body instantly starts experiencing the turbulence of hormonal changes. They become more susceptible to a multitude of diseases waiting at this stretch of the age-group. In order to stay healthy and avoid the varied form of diseases, women above 30 years of age must undergo the following tests:

Women above 30 must consider these health tests

Breakfast on the Go?

Breakfast on the Go?
It feels difficult to have a proper breakfast as we are running out of time so much so that many of us end up skipping breakfast altogether. What if we make use of high-energy nutrient-dense foods that are prepared in the blink of an eye (not really, but in two-minutes time)? Read ahead to know quick and healthy breakfast options while on the go. 

Breakfast on the Go?

Heart healthy cooking methods to choose right now

Heart healthy cooking methods to choose right now
While the focus of a heart-friendly diet is on what we should do but being cognisant of the don'ts is crucial too. Excess salt, sugar, and saturated fat should be on the 'watch out for' list. Trans fats, ultra-processed foods, and processed meats fall in the category of 'to avoid' foods.

Heart healthy cooking methods to choose right now

Smoking and Oral Cancer

Smoking and Oral Cancer
To prevent oral cancer, individuals should maintain good oral hygiene, quit smoking, and avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Quitting smoking and oral tobacco is the best way to reduce the risk of oral cancer. Additionally, tobacco cessation can have significant benefits for one's overall health, such as improved lung function, reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.

Smoking and Oral Cancer

W for Women, Workout, and Wellbeing!

W for Women, Workout, and Wellbeing!
Women these days have also consciously started paying more attention to what they eat. While the workouts help burn away the calories, it is important to keep in mind the choices you make with your food and the detrimental effects that bad nutritional choices can have on the body in the years to come.

W for Women, Workout, and Wellbeing!

Why it's important to time your workouts

Why it's important to time your workouts
Timing your workouts ensures that you get enough exercise without overdoing it. It also makes you less prone to losing out on motivation, in turn helping you achieve your fitness goals in a sustainable manner.

Why it's important to time your workouts