Monday, June 17, 2024
Health and Fitness

When Working Out in the Heat

When Working Out in the Heat

We’re all excited once summer comes – the season for getting outside and getting active. Whether that means running, hiking, cycling, or performing any other form of outdoor exercise, you’ve finally got the weather on your side.

Multiple Sclerosis: Canada’s Invisible Disease

Four months after completing the Vancouver Marathon, Linda McGowan, a Vancouver nurse and mother of two, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 1983. She was barely 35 at the time. 

Living and Breathing With Asthma

Living and Breathing With Asthma

Asthma is a long-term lung disease marked by breathing difficulties that occur when airways become inflamed and subsequently narrowed or blocked.

A Playground Workout For Your Inner Child

A Playground Workout For Your Inner Child

Breathe some fresh air into your fitness routine that’s not only free but fun as well &...

Get that Beach Body

Losing weight and toning up take time, and a lot of people make the mistake of waiting until summer is already upon them. 

Have you heard about Hearing Loss?

Have you heard about Hearing Loss?

Understand its effects and how it just might affect you.